Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Feeling Good Pain...

Yes. I meant the stairclimber. In my last two previous posts I mentioned that I was going to try to spend 20 minutes on that mean machine. The first time I tried I lasted for seven minutes. Well, yesterday evening I tried again and managed to stay on for 10 minutes. Isn't that a positive progression? :-)

Anyways, yesterday was a good one at the gym. I spent 10 minutes on the stairclimber, 30 minutes on the bike and 25 minutes on the treadmill and it was time for kick-cardio class. I wasn't sure I wanted to do another hour but decided to go anyways. Boy! am I glad I did. The class kicked butt but I ended up exercising various parts of my body and felt so tired afterwards. That's what I call feeling good pain. :-)

The diet was okay. I ate well and didn't even have time for snacks. I also drank a lot of water and ended up going to the bathroom several times at work. I didn't seeing that my urine was as clear as water. That's always a great sign that you are giving your body enough water.

Hopefully, today will be even better. Hope you all had a great day yesterday.


  1. Oh, if you give your body too much water, by the way, your kidney will not work as efficiently. Just saying.

    Sounds as if you had a great day at the gym!

  2. Wow never knew ones kidney don`t function well with too much water in the body..thanks for the info. Keep the good work Up Enyonam ;-)

  3. Sounds like an awesome workout!! Good job on staying on the stair climber longer!!!

  4. I love the stair climber! I can only do 10 minutes max but I love the pain!

  5. I saw a guy running on the stair climber! It was crazy. I know if I want to be sore, I just on the stair climber!!

  6. That's a fantastic progress! I always push myself to go at least 1 second longer than my last time! :D Good job!!!

  7. Are we talking the type of stairclimber that looks like a set of stairs but moves kind of like an escalator? That machine looks killer.

  8. Wow, it sounds like you worked it! Kickboxing after the stair climber? That's dedication. :) Keep it up!

  9. You're doing amazing! Great job :)

  10. That is awesome! I am so glad I found your blog!

  11. Thank you for your wonderful comment!!

    Wow you are doing awesome!! Keep up the great work and stay focused!!!!!


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